in good agreement with is the most popular phrase on the Internet. The “instrumental” school does not attribute the same centrality to the agreement, the negotiation of which is only one of the many stages of a complex transition. It should therefore not bear the burden of the whole process alone. Concerns about the inadequacies of the agreement in terms of wording, feasibility or legitimacy should be weighed against the urgent need to maintain the momentum of the entire transition. Ambiguities, shortcomings and even flagrant impossibilities are acceptable costs. Over time, ambiguities will be removed, gaps will be filled, changes will be made to account for impossibilities and, most importantly, the relevance of seemingly intractable problems will erode as parties learn to value concessions rather than confrontation. In this sense, implementation cannot and should not only be seen as a reflection of the original agreement. There is more than one school of thought regarding the role and importance of peace agreements in the overall process of negotiated settlement of an internal conflict. An approach that can perhaps be described as “constitutive” considers the content of the peace agreement as the key to the overall process, which will reflect its strengths and weaknesses, its virtues and shortcomings.

A “good” agreement will lead to a lasting peace; a “bad” agreement will lead to delays, setbacks or even the collapse of the peace process. This approach thus underlines the strict requirements that the provisions of an agreement must meet: precision of the wording, technical feasibility, international legitimacy, detailed timetable for implementation, among others. One implication is that a mediator is obliged to ensure that negotiations between the parties meet these high standards, even if it means standing up to impatient spectators and the parties themselves. Today, more than 1001 people have had their English checked. Fresh content for your texts so you can become more professional. A full internet search found these results:. . .